Another note I’m really leaving for myself. I’ve migrated my dotfiles project to use Chef, both installing and configuring my commonly used applications. One which is annoying is VirtualBox. 2 problems really. The first is that the VirtualBox Ubuntu repository can be super slow. For now I’m living with that.

I have been trying to implement watching for changes to source code and auto reloading a Shiny application. The problem being that Shiny applications only reload changes to server.R and ui.R by default, which isn’t so useful when your app gets complicated and you want to make it more modular.

Recently I needed to automate the deployment and configuration of a Jenkins server. My configuration management tool of choice is Chef and my starting point is the Opscode Jenkins cookbook. At this time the Jenkins cookbook only provides resources for basic Jenkins configuration, eg. jenkins_user, however it also exposes the jenkins_script resource for running arbitrary Groovy scripts on the server.

So you have an existing Jekyll GitHub pages project but you also have some preliminary build steps and/or tests that you need to run before pushing to GitHub to deploy. Now you’re tired of running these steps manually and keeping the built artifacts in your repository. One answer (and the answer illustrated here) is to use Travis-CI to automate the build and deploy steps and retire the automatic Jekyll build that GitHub would perform.

UPDATE - 10th August 2014: The results are in

This is a problem that I keep running into. I like to use a combination of Grunt, Mocha and Blanket to get coverage reports from my unit tests. The problem is that this creates a global variable to collect the coverage data in the process in which the code under test runs. Normally this is the same process in which Grunt and Mocha are running, however I have a common class of tests in which this is not true.

I like to use Mocha with the BDD test UI to write my tests and in the office at least, use Sonar to collect test and coverage data as well as perform static analysis on source code. For Javascript projects this means using the Sonar javascript plugin.

09 Feb 2014 » First Post!

New blogging platform - no more blogger :)
